Crisis 5 novembre 2022

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Enregistré le : mer. oct. 09, 2019 5:54 am
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Re: Crisis 5 novembre 2022

Message par RDE200674 » mar. août 02, 2022 12:38 pm

pour ma part, voici ce que j'ai reçu.

Alas, I wish I could give you better news.

Crisis was planned to go ahead on November 5th, but we keep stumbling into obstacles.  Aside from Brexit, the main one is that some key personnel is missing, and the team that we outsourced for setting up/breaking down is very probably no longer available.
Another spectre is the new Covid regulations coming up.  I've got some good connections with the Antwerp governmental services and have been warned that serious restrictions might be coming up as early as late September/ early October .So with a very heavy heart we"ll have to throw in the towel. Last weekend we decided that there was just too much of a - financial- risk as we really couldn't afford to lose tens of thousands of Euros.

We can however tell that we will still keep you all in our database , as this cancellation is more of a postponing .
We are in progress of negotiating with a dutch commercial event organiser to come back stronger with extra help
also we are having a smaller gaming day at our club venue, people who are coming over to antwerp anyways are free to come over and say hi, or even play along
Regards , Liam

Messages : 270
Enregistré le : mar. oct. 08, 2019 6:06 pm
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Re: Crisis 5 novembre 2022

Message par Kyak » mar. août 02, 2022 4:25 pm

Oui, on va bien voir ce que l'automne nous réserve après l'insouciance des vacances...
Pour l'instant, il reste la convention des Arpenteurs de Rèves en Novembre....


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